Facebook Now Allows Music Clips In The Comments

Facebook announces music clips in comments on the Music 3.0 blog

I don’t know if this is a good or bad thing, but Facebook just announced that you can now insert music clips into your comments. The good part of this is that it allows your followers to hear your music easily, but that might also be considered obtrusive to some as well.

As you can see from the example above, you can now add music to your comments. This will probably be a controversial feature in no time as some will love it and others will most likely hate being forced to listen to something that they didn’t ask for.

The is enabled by the same process as the music sticker in Stories, where you can search for a track by tapping on the music note icon at the right of the comment panel. At that point you can select a portion of the track to attach to the comment. Facebook says that this is another way to add some context to your remarks or alert others to new music and artists.

While the new feature can be a great opportunity to showcase your music to more people, I think that what we’re all afraid of is we’ll be bombarded by unwanted music clips. I think it’s best if you’re judicious in using this lest you turn off more people than you convert.

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