The 4 Most Important Types Of Social Media Content

Many musicians have the magic touch when it comes to posting on social media, knowing exactly what to say and when to say it. Others struggle with ideas, especially if they’re trying not to make their posts too personal. The Creative Bodega came up with a list of the 4 most important types of social media content that I’ve enhanced for the music business. Here we go.

4 types of social media content

1. Educational Content

This includes how-to’s; step-by-step guides; lists, tools and resources; and sharing a process. For instance, you could post a step-by-step guide on how to tune to a particular guitar tuning that you use, or a list of all the things you always bring with you to a gig. You’re probably thinking, “Why would anyone want to know that?”, but people love details as they’re always looking to pick up a tip.

2. Inspirational Content

This includes content to inspire someone to follow in your footsteps, how to improve something, stepping outside your comfort zone, or starting a new routine or lifestyle. For example, you might want to share a story about a tip you received that improved your singing, how you started meditating to relieve the stress of the road, or the worst situation you were in that led to the best results.

3. Entertainment Content

This includes funny things that happened to you, memes, jokes or throwbacks. The idea is to see a little of your every day world and make your followers want to be your friend.

4. Conversion Content

This includes testimonials, how to get started in your world, any offers or packages that you might have, or material that establishes you as an expert at what you do. You have to be careful that you don’t use this one too often, but don’t be afraid to use it when needed as well. Examples might be posts about any awards or chart activity that you receive, sharing a new video, posting new reviews, or even excellent testimonials from fans or other musicians.

You will most likely never run out of ideas about what to post if you follow these 4 types of social media content. You don’t have to post it all as it happens either. Make a list or schedule posts for the future so you have content for those dry spells when nothing is happening or you can’t think of anything.

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