Category Archives for "Inner Circle Podcast"

Award-Winning Composer/Technologist Shelly Palmer, And Misleading Music Revenue Numbers On My Latest Podcast

Shelly Palmer 514

On my latest podcast episode: By the way, I learned a lot about AI from Shelly’s free Metacademy, which is something that you should check out. Listen to it at, or on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Mixcloud, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer, TunIn Radio, and RadioPublic. Enjoy the show!

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The Streaming Purge Has Started As Deezer Deletes 26 Million “Useless” Tracks

Deezer deletes useless tracks

Streaming companies have been threatening this for a while, but it’s finally come to pass. Deezer has recently purged 26 million of what it terms as “useless” audio tracks from its service. While “useless” may seem a bit harsh, most of the tracks that the company deleted probably deserved it, since ultimately it has led […]

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