Category Archives for "Music Industry News"

Major Labels Say That Content ID Not Effective Enough

Copyright content ID

The 3 major labels are furthering their attack on YouTube, the platform they love to hate. With licenses up for renewal soon, the majors are trying their best to gain some leverage in the negotiation, so they have filed a submission to the US Copyright Office claiming that YouTube’s Content ID is ineffective in identifying uploads using […]

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Tidal Subscribers Sue Kanye West For Posting On Other Services

Tidal $84 million

Here’s an interesting twist in the Kanye West/Tidal story. He’s getting sued by Tidal subscribers who claimed they were duped into paying for the service. It all stems from when the performer released his latest album The Life of Pablo exclusively on Tidal. At the time, West claimed that the album would never appear on […]

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Amazon Prime Music Takes Another Baby Step


If you’ve been following this blog for any length of time, you know that I’ve been saying all along to watch out for Amazon Prime Music as the next big disrupter in the streaming music space. Why? Prime Music is part of the popular Amazon Prime subscription service that already has a reported 75 million […]

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Facebook Finally Launches Its Version Of Content ID

Facebook Rights Manager

Content creators have been complaining for months that many of their YouTube videos have been showing up on Facebook posted by someone else – an action called “freebooting.” In an effort to alleviate the situation, Facebook has now officially launched its version of YouTube’s Content ID called Rights Manager.  This is an admin tool for Facebook […]

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YouTube To Introduce A Live Streaming App

YouTube Connect

Where once we lived in a world of pre-recorded video, that’s changing rapidly as millennials increasingly show how much they love live streaming. For instance, Periscope has posted more than 100 million broadcasts since its debut in March of 2015, and Snapchat Live Stories has as many as 100 million users per day, which has […]

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New Apple Technology Rids Songs Of Swear Words

Free Speech with conditions2

Here’s one for the 1st amendment. Apple has been granted a patent named “Management, Replacement and Removal of Explicit Lyrics during Audio Playback” for technology that can automatically scan a song being streamed and edit out any swear words in the lyrics. According to an article in Business Insider, the technology is different from automatic beeping […]

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SoundCloud Launches Its Subscription Tier

Soundcloud Go

It’s been rumored for months, and it’s finally happened. SoundCloud has launched a subscription tier to its streaming service called SoundCloud Go and it’s priced at what’s now become the standard – $9.99 per month ($12.99 for iOS). The fact of the matter is that SoundCloud Go seems like it’s more to appease the major labels […]

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