February 1, 2023

The Different Strategies For Search vs. Social (Hint: They’re Opposite)

It doesn’t matter if you’re an artist, band, songwriter or a musician, you need (and probably already have) an online presence. And it has to be strong. If not, it can be the difference between staying busy with gigs or sitting home practicing, or having your new video go viral versus sitting on YouTube gather dust. I’ve talked a lot about search engine optimization (SEO) for your website and boosting your social presence in the past, but it’s important to note that the approach for both is different. In fact, the strategies for search vs. social (your website vs your social presence) are completely the opposite!

Search vs. social

Orbit Media came up with a brilliant overview of 7 ways SEO is different from social. Here we go.

Follower Mindset

  • Online users that employ search are busy and are looking for specific answers.
  • Social users are bored and are looking to be entertained.

Topic Lifespan

  • Long-form evergreen content is great for SEO.
  • Trending topics that stir a reaction are what makes social posts go.

Content Format

  • When it comes to your website, its long-form text that drives SEO.
  • Social has become a visual medium, with short form videos on Shorts, Reels, and TikTok now ruling.

Paid Targeting

According to Orbit Media:

  • On paid search, “You know everything about what they’re thinking, but you know nothing about who they are.”
  • On social, “You know nothing about what they’re thinking but you know everything about who they are.”


One way to gain an audience online is to collaborate with someone that already has a large audience.

  • For your website, search engines like to see quotes from experts or links to their websites.
  • For social, you’re just looking for people that have large followings.


  • If someone is specifically looking for you or some info that you have, they’re more likely to buy, share or interact.
  • On social, they weren’t really looking for you so they might be off to something else in a few seconds after they found you.

Traffic Limitations

  • When it comes to SEO, you can only get the maximum number of people that search for you that day. In other words, if 500 people search for your name, that’s all the visitors you can get that day.
  • On social, there’s no limit to how far and how fast something can spread.

As you can see, the strategies behind search vs. social are a lot different because everything about the audience is different. On a website you look to build authority while on social you look to grab attention. Remember that and your online presence will grow stronger in both areas.

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