Category Archives for "Music Industry News"

You’re Wrong If You Thought Pop Was The Most Listened To Music Genre

BuzzAngle Pop Music

If you listen to the radio much you might think that Pop music is by far the most listened to music by U.S. music consumers. That supposition is wrong, however, according to the latest figures by BuzzAngle, a relatively new metrics company that is quietly been surpassing the standard Nielsen Music thanks to its more […]

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Taylor Swift Makes A Bundle Since Returning To Streaming

Taylor Swift back on streaming

One of the reasons that management pulled the Taylor Swift catalog from all streaming services in 2014 was that the revenue from streaming wasn’t sufficient to warrant it being there. Swift was the biggest artist in the world at the time and didn’t need the additional exposure, and she was still selling CDs, so other […]

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Major Holdout Bob Seger Finally Comes To Streaming

Bob Seger

Some fans thought it would never happen, but the Bob Seger catalog has finally come to Spotify and Apple Music. 13 of the singer’s most popular albums are now available to most streaming services, with the exceptions being Tidal and Pandora. The interesting thing here is not that Seger made it online at all, but what […]

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Pandora Fails To Get The Message In Its Deal With Sirius XM

SiriusXM Pandora

The streaming music service Pandora’s in trouble and it has been for some time. Its user base is shrinking, its losses are increasing, and it’s not able to generate enough revenue, a bad combination if there ever was one. Reports are that the company actually rejected a total acquisition by the satellite radio company Sirius […]

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Sony Music Folds RED Distribution Into The Orchard

The Orchard

Sometimes consolidation is a good thing, and that certainly looks like the case with Sony Music folding its RED distribution into its Orchard operation. The move is being made in the name of efficiency, and no jobs will be lost in the transition, which is unusual. This is actually happening on a worldwide basis as […]

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Arianna Grande’s Manchester Benefit Concert – It’s The Right Thing To Do

Arianna Grande

There was a time when music artists led the charge for social awareness, eschewing commercialism in favor of some greater public good. “Selling out,” was about the worst thing you could do during those days, and a quick way to become ostracized not only from fellow musicians, but a large portion of the music consuming public […]

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