Category Archives for "Social Media News"
No one can be great at every social platform so it’s better to pick one and get really good at it in order to get the best performance. That usually means you’re going to go where most of your fans are already. If that’s Instagram for you, then you’ll find these latest Instagram insights from […]
Continue readingOne thing that’s true for every social platform is that they’re constantly changing and improving their feed algorithm. This is to ensure that you see more of what you want in your news feed, and less of what doesn’t interest you. You have to hand it to Facebook in that they’ve always been fairly transparent […]
Continue readingIt’s happened to everyone online sooner or later. You spend a lot of time working on post or a video, pouring your heart into it, only to receive some soul-crushing negative comments that are more hurtful than helpful. As we now know, these comments can have a detrimental effect on your mental health if you’re […]
Continue readingSpotify is really into audio other than music these days, and it’s latest venture into that realm is something called Spotify Greenroom, which is basically a knock-off of Clubhouse. In order to promote the new feature, the service has provided new and different ways for Greenroom creators to get paid, which may end up being […]
Continue readingI think we all have a picture in our minds of a social “influencer” as someone who spends all their time trying to look cool, shoots videos all day, and makes lots of money from product placement. We also read about influencers and think they’re making tons of money as millions of fans hang on […]
Continue readingWhenever a new hot social network shows up you can count on an automatic knee-jerk reaction from the major social networks to come up with something similar. Clubhouse is the latest platform to start gaining some traction, and as a result, Facebook and Twitter have already released their own versions of the same audio-only idea. […]
Continue readingWhen it comes to monetizing content, Facebook has always been behind the other popular social services. That doesn’t mean that the company isn’t trying to catch up though. Recently Facebook announced a new range of monetization options focusing on short videos. Is this an effort to eat into TikTok’s recent popularity? Maybe, but money always […]
Continue readingNewsletters are the backbone of artist-fan communication, and finding the best email service provider is essential for most artists. There are plenty to choose from and sometimes it takes a while to find the best fit, but a new alternative could be a social platform that you’re probably already on – Facebook. Yes, newsletter creation […]
Continue readingOne of the things about social networks is that they keep on evolving, learning from mistakes and user feedback. In that spirit, there are a couple of new social features, one from Twitter and one from Instagram, that could make a difference in what and how you post in the future. Twitter Undo The first […]
Continue readingOne of the things that creators on social networks sometimes run into is the fact that it’s not always clear in how to do things. If you’re used to posting one way but want to make a change, finding the information that you need isn’t always easy. Both Instagram and TikTok have announced that they’ve […]
Continue readingIn an effort to prompt more engagement between TikTok creators and their fans, the platform has rolled out a brand new Q&A option to a selected group of users. This option allows viewers to ask questions directly to the video creator’s profile, which he or she can then like, or use as an idea for […]
Continue readingThere’s no point posting on social media if there’s no one there to read it. That’s why timing is everything when it comes to your posting schedule – not only time of day, but the day of the week as well. Here are the latest “best times’ to post on various social platforms for 2021. […]
Continue readingIf you’re a musician or artist selling merch, you know how powerful Facebook and Instagram can be. That said, it’s a pain to have to individually post to both as it takes twice the time. Facebook does have an app to make this job easier and it’s called the Facebook Business Suite. Business Suite incorporates […]
Continue readingWe all want our pages to rank high in Google searches, but that’s led to a number of techniques that can actually be counter-productive when it comes to page optimization. The Google search algorithm is pretty quick to catch on to web creators when they try to game the system, but people still keep trying […]
Continue readingTikTok is probably the hottest social service in the world right now and much of its success is because of its excellent AI-based algorithm. While we’ve discussed how this algorithm works in the past, TikTok itself has provided information about how it comes up with videos for your #ForYou feed. The Recommendation System Just about […]
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