Category Archives for "Book Excerpt"

The Different Sources Of Publishing Royalties

Music Publishing

Regardless of the era, the songwriter and publisher have made money, and continue to make money in three primary ways: 1. Mechanical royalties are paid whenever a song is digitally downloaded, a song is streamed from an on-demand service, or a physical CD or vinyl record is sold. 2. A performance royalty is paid whenever […]

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Making Sense of Streaming Income

iPhone Music

In Part 3 on my series on streaming music royalties, we try to make sense of streaming income as we look at why it varies so much and why the sales parameters we set in the days of vinyl and CDs no longer apply in the digital age. Once again, this is an excerpt from […]

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The Streaming Performance Royalty Rate Explained

Artists and songwriters, even some publishers, very often misunderstand how streaming income and royalty rates and payments are determined because it’s a immensely complex subject. One of the things that I’ve done in my new Music 4.1 book is provide an overview of how streaming royalties work and are paid, in many cases following the revenue stream down […]

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A Streaming Music Royalty Primer

Music 4.1 cover

Streaming music royalty rates are such a morass of different percentages and possibilities that few people on the planet totally understand everything, and the ones who do are attorneys working in that narrow end of the music business. Even label and publishing execs who have been in the business for 20 or more years can […]

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