Category Archives for "Music Industry Stats"
For some of us it’s hard to believe that legendary Rumours album from Fleetwood Mac just turned 45 years old. It’s even harder to believe that the album has been on the charts for 926 weeks of that time, which is almost 18 years! The trifecta is that it’s still selling in what many would […]
Continue readingWe’re all curious about superstars on so many levels, but especially when it comes to how much they make. There are several lists that come out every year that takes a look inside the top music moneymakers, but I especially like the one from Billboard. This list looks at the top 5, and you’ll probably […]
Continue readingAs we enter into the new year, it’s sometimes useful to look back at the previous year to discover what the trends were. Nielsen Music posted it’s music consumption figures for 2017 and a number of things became pretty evident when you really looked a the data. 1. Total music consumption was up by 12.5 percent […]
Continue readingThere are still many artists and musicians that believe that streaming music is the devil, even worse than piracy. The idea is that since the payout for each stream is so small, an artist is just not capable of generating any serious income online. Ed Sheeran’s “Shape Of You” might change your mind about that, […]
Continue readingTrying to figure out exactly how much a streaming service pays per stream is a moving target, since there are so many variables involved. That said, an interesting chart from Information Is Beautiful tries to average it all out to come out up with the current royalty payouts from each. Keep in mind that this […]
Continue readingStreaming seems to have wiped out music piracy, but not according to the IFPI. The global recording industry organization claims that piracy is still alive and well but just in another form. While illegal downloads dominated piracy a few years ago, now it’s attributed to stream ripping (illegally saving music while streaming it). Here’s a chart […]
Continue readingFor those that said that streaming revenue would never replace that from CDs there’s this – According to a study done by Music Business Worldwide, the major labels made around $9000 every minute from streaming in the first quarter of 2017. To put it into perspective, that means $540,000 per hour and $12.5 million every day! If […]
Continue readingThere may not be as much money in radio as there once was, but the evidence mounts that people in the U.S. are consuming more of it than ever before. Better still, the trend shows no sign of slowing down. According to data from Edison Research, the percentage of Americans 12 years of age or older […]
Continue readingThe annual IFPI revue of the music business confirms what all the other studies have shown – that music is truly on the comeback trail. After years of doom and gloom, the industry has seen its first double-digit rise in revenues in nearly 20 years, all thanks to streaming. The skeptics said it would never happen, […]
Continue readingWe keep reading about Spotify having more paid subscribers than just about any other service at 51 or so million, but it looks like Apple Music is not only catching up, but surpassing the service in many areas. A new survey from the media measurement company Verto Analytics actually puts Apple Music at the top […]
Continue readingIn record label executive offices across the U.S. there’s rejoicing as the latest RIAA numbers show a double digit increase in revenue for the first time in almost 20 years. The latest figures show that the recorded music market in 2016 brought in $7.7 billion, up a bit more 11% over the previous year. And […]
Continue readingWhen we think online audience engagement, we usually think of views or streams. There’s a lot more to it than that though, as this infographic from Statista shows how industry insiders evaluate true engagement. As you can see, Shares are the #1 most valuable engagement element, closely followed by the actual amount of time users dwell on […]
Continue readingIf you look closely, streaming is teaching us all some marketing lessons, according to analytics service Next Big Sound (now owned by Pandora), a company that looks at social, streaming and event data as well as the interaction between an artist and a fan. While many look at it as just a way to get their […]
Continue readingA recent look at a day in the life of YouTube by Pexeso is extremely illuminating. First of all, it’s not as music-centric as it was previously, with only 5% of its videos now dedicated to music. Those amounted to 11% of total views, which comes in 4th behind gaming, entertainment, and people and blogs. Another eye-opening […]
Continue readingRarely does one chart say so much about how an industry goes as does this one from Fortune. It’s the revenue generated by the recorded music business over the last 40+ years, and it shows the staggering loses that it suffered with the onset of digital music, as well as how the industry has responded to […]
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