Taishi Fukuyama Of Qrates On My Latest Inner Circle Podcast

Taishi Fukuyama

We all love vinyl and if you’re an artist you’d like to release your next album on it. The problem is the long 6 month+ wait times at the pressing plants and the big orders that you have to place just to get in line. Qrates.com offers vinyl orders for as few as 100 copies, […]

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Where Music Artists Go Wrong On YouTube

YouTube where music artists go wrong

YouTube is capable of making people stars, and while that happens to exceptional content creators, most of them are not music artists. One of the reasons that artists don’t fall into the YouTube star category is that their general mindset is still set in the past. Here are the 4 places were artists go wrong on YouTube, […]

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Deezer Launches In The U.S., But Does Anybody Care?


After a year run up, the streaming service Deezer has finally launched in the United States. Spotify’s major competitor in Europe is now in the world’s largest market, but the question is, does it have enough to differentiate itself from the rest of the current streaming contenders in the space? The Paris-based service launched in […]

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Music Industry News Roundup #4

Here’s some interesting music business news from the last week. There’s a lot going on in the streaming world, but as usual, that’s not all. Warner Music had it’s best quarter in a long time. Streaming agrees with this major label, and it’s up around 14% over the same time last year. Guest what? It’s […]

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Apple’s Publishing Royalty Proposal Is A Shot At Spotify

Apple's Music Publishing Proposal

Who says Apple’s music executives aren’t smart? In what may end up being a brilliant strategic move, the company discretely made a proposal to the governing Copyright Royalty Board to increase the song publishing royalty rate to 9.1 cents per 100 interactive streams, a significant increase over what is currently paid, according to the NY […]

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Engineer/Composer Bobby Summerfield On My Latest Inner Circle Podcast

Bobby Summerfield

On this week’s Inner Circle Podcast #118 I’m happy to feature Bobby Summerfield, my compadre from the AudioNowcast, as my guest. Bobby’s worked with a variety of great artists ranging from Michael Jackson to Carole King to world music superstar Johnny Clegg to the legendary Harry Belafonte. He’s also a composer with his own music […]

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July 15, 2016

Maybe YouTube Isn’t Music’s Boogie Man After All

YouTube logo

Artists, bands and record labels have issued an all-out assault on YouTube this year over a variety of issues that mostly stem from what they consider to be low royalty payouts. The problem is, while it’s likely that many of the presumptions leading to the attacks have a basis in reality, their conclusions may be […]

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Music Industry News Roundup #3

Music Industry News Roundup

Here’s some interesting music business news from the last week. As always, it’s surprising how some old topics keep on coming back to life, and the new topics that we never expected pop up. Streaming music has surpassed YouTube music views. They said it would never happen, but streaming music is now more popular that […]

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Engineer/Gear Manufacturer Steven Slate On My Latest Inner Circle Podcast

Steven Slate

I’m very pleased to have engineer/gear manufacturer Steven Slate on Episode #117 of my Inner Circle Podcast. Steven will discuss his journey from musician to engineer to manufacturing some of the coolest and most forward-thinking audio gear available today. You’ll also hear all about what goes into to making a product like the Virtual Mic or the […]

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Music Industry News Roundup #2

Music Industry News Roundup

It appears that Music 3.0 blog readers liked the News Roundup concept, so here’s the second addition, although it’s a bit abbreviated because of the July 4th holiday. Google Play offers 4 free months. If you’re a brand new subscriber, you can get Google Play and YouTube Red bundled together for what amounts to $40 value for […]

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Engineer/Producer Tony Shepperd On My Latest Inner Circle Podcast

Tony Shepperd

Engineer/producer Tony Shepperd has had an interesting journey in the music business that has taken him from Los Angeles to Nashville and back again. Along the way he’s mixed projects for a variety of household names like Whitney Houston, Kenny Loggins, Barbra Streisand, Michael Jackson, Lionel Ritchie, and many more. Tony is also about to […]

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