Tag Archives for " Facebook "
Every few months there seems to be a new post or article regarding how much Facebook is slipping in one demographic or another. The cries that millennials, Gen X and Gen Yers were abandoning the platform for something new have scared many artists and bands from using it, or made them reluctant to give the […]
Continue readingSo much has changed in the music industry over the last few years that affect an artist’s ability to be successful. Some of it is brand new and a result of the technology we use, while some of it is good common sense that’s been used over and over during the past decades of the […]
Continue readingHere’s the Music Industry News Roundup for the week ending on May 26th, 2017. There’s a lot of social media news this week, but some on Pandora too (and it’s not too good). Let’s get into it. Pandora is suffering from “fake listener syndrome.” Two-thirds of its listeners do so at home, and they’re frequently not even in […]
Continue readingMany artists are tempted to just rely on a Facebook or Tumblr page as the main online point of contact, but that strategy can have a number of unforeseen problems. Here’s an excerpt from my Social Media Promotion For Musicians book that explains why an artist’s online presence should be more than on social networks. […]
Continue readingOne of the powers of YouTube is that it allows creators to make money from the platform either by uploading original content, or more powerfully, by monetizing the videos when others use your content. This is all based on the service’s Content ID system that allows tracking of content that lets the rights hold then […]
Continue readingFacebook is one of the best social networks for artists and bands, but execution is everything in order to take full advantage of it. Here are the 10 best practices for artists and bands to increase your engagement. 1. Reach out to other artists. Ask a band whom you’re tight with to post your new […]
Continue readingHere’s the Music Industry News Roundup for the week ending on April 21st, 2017. Spotify was much in the news this week, but there were a lot of other significant news stories as well. Let’s get into it. Is the end of the free streaming tier near? It might be coming soon, especially if the music industry […]
Continue readingHere’s the Music Industry News Roundup for the week of March 17th, 2017. There’s lots of interesting speculation on new services, and not a mention of Spotify for once. Let’s get into it. Facebook trying to solve “social music.” No one else has cracked it, but the company is taking music very seriously. Will AI and chatbots […]
Continue readingHere’s the Music Industry News Roundup for the week of March 3rd, 2017. A lot went down this week in a few related areas. Let’s get into it. Good news – recorded music grew by 7% last year. It’s actually up $1.1 billion over last year, which is a heck of a good year of growth. Indie […]
Continue readingWell here’s a bit of good news. I know that most of us hate sitting through even the skippable 5 second pre-roll commercials that run before YouTube videos, let alone the 15 second ones that you have to watch all the way through. What’s even worse though, is having to watch a full 30 second ad […]
Continue readingHere’s the Music Industry News Roundup for the week of February 17th, 2017. A lot went on in the streaming world, although nothing that you’d classify as major.. Let’s get into it. Spotify just signed a big new lease in NYC and plans to add 1,000 jobs. The is a curious move given recent rumors about its […]
Continue readingIt looked like Spotify’s strategy was to go public this year, but recent announcements have pretty much put that aside. The IPO (Initial Public Offering) market has changed recently, and tech companies can no longer be assured of the big paydays of just a few years ago. As a result it looks like the company’s new plan is […]
Continue readingFacebook may be the largest social network by far, but it appears to be suffering from a severe case of user fatigue in the United States. A recent study found that the satisfaction level of the platform has decreased across all age groups, with ages 35 to 44 decreasing the most. Much of this has been […]
Continue readingHere’s the Music Industry News Roundup for the week of February 3rd, 2017. This has been a big week for social media changes, but there are still some interesting record label-related developments. Let’s get into it. Sony earned $1.2 billion from streaming last year. It still made more from physical sales, but not by much. Streaming is changing […]
Continue readingHere’s the Music Industry News Roundup for the week of January 20th, 2017. We’re back in the swing of things as everyone hits the ground running in the new year. Here are some of the news highlights for the week. There’s speculation that Sony Japan is tiring of the entertainment business and might now want to sell […]
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